Tag: Twitch

  • SeeBotsChat: So two robots walk into a bar…

    SeeBotsChat: So two robots walk into a bar…

    So if you’ve been on Twitch Twitter™ today you’ll probably have heard about seebotschat, a channel that has two voice-activated assistants (Google Home models) that are programmed to talk to each other. Both have tweaks made to their code in order to give them a separate personality; the one on the left is named “Vladimir”…

  • Twitch and the art of running marathons

    Twitch and the art of running marathons

    While Twitch has made huge strides in terms of user engagements, the past two years have seen the rise of a form of entertainment that deserves special mention: the marathon. Watching something for long periods isn’t exactly something new: before Star Wars: The Force Awakens came out, people decided they needed a refresher on the…

  • Fishing for pre-feedback, and how it hurts your product

    Fishing for pre-feedback, and how it hurts your product

    Today I’d like to start a series of posts where I examine some of my pet peeves when it comes to content creation. These posts will attempt to deconstruct bad habits and common mistakes I see made, as well as provide decent reasoning for thinking them a problem. As a disclaimer: This article is not…

  • Tutorial: Free telestrator for Open Broadcaster Software

    Tutorial: Free telestrator for Open Broadcaster Software

    One system I’ve definitely wanted to use in analysis is the telestrator, or video marker. For those not familiar with the term, it’s what sportscasters will use to take a free-frame of an instant replay and draw own it. We’ve seen it used by Riot Games and other eSports companies as part of a smart…

  • Dota Reborn: Three things I’m excited about

    A couple days ago Dota 2 fans were treated to the launch of Reborn, a web page devoted to the updating of… a lot of things. The first part focused on the out-of-game experience, which includes the client and the way we can watch matches from within it. This is really important, as it serves…