Tag: Livestreaming
Creator-focused Crypto: dipping my toes into Brave
When I made the decision to go into journalism as a career, it was motivated by me enjoying writing, and wanting to seek a way to make a living from it. By the time that I entered journalism school, people still hadn’t figured out a good way of getting decent money from the things they […]
My Gaming in May
I’ve been finding that I’ve been oddly focused with my gaming time lately, and have knocked a few things off my backlog. This is pretty uncharacteristic for me, because I feel like I’m pretty resistant to just closing the door on things; I’ll usually pick up new RPGs impulsively, and with each one of them […]
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and Quarantine QoL
I always find it fascinating when the release of something coincides with a general cultural need. With the COVID-19 quarantine still going on, it was pretty great to see Animal Crossing: New Horizons come out right at a time when anxiety is high and people need something to do.
Reading: Giant Killing
I’ve been trying to make more of a habit of reading before I go to bed, both to get myself away from the PC itself and the social media that I find myself scrolling through. There’s something particularly insidious about the habit of diving deep into reddit, Twitter or Wikis when you’re not fully engaged; […]
I did my first esports lecture!
I’ve done my fair share of speaking about esports, but never in a class setting before. When I found out that my alma matter had an esports class (not just like, one week of study), I jumped at the chance to email the prof and see if they could put my experience to use. Literally, […]
Closing the book on Kazuma Kiryu
Spoiler alert Warning: While I don’t go into any specific story spoilers in this post, there are some images from the game that might be considered spoilers. I’ve probably started this blog three or four times now, and for some reason, nothing really seems to stick. I mean, how do you sum up a series […]
Atelier Ryza and comfort fiction
2020 has been off to a slow start for me, mostly because I’m waiting on some (good) job news, and also from personal choice. After taking November and December off after leaving EG, I’m kind of feeling the rumbles inside of me to get working and get creative again. In 2019 I felt that I […]
2019: The Reflection Post
It’s hard to start this kind of post without the usual cliches; 2019 was a bit of a year of growth and getting to know myself, and I’ll say that I probably ended up in the positive when it comes to me as a person, even though I don’t feel it at the moment. In […]
Playing: Ring Fit Adventure
I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve fallen prey to my share of fitness gimmicks and failed gym habits. I’m always a sucker for trying again, however, and something about Ring Fit Adventure for the Nintendo Switch caught my eye. The main thing that had me interested is was marketed as an RPG, which is probably […]
Reading: Delicious in Dungeon
I’ve been trying to sleep better lately, and part of that is improving my sleep hygiene. This mainly means changing a longtime habit I have, which is being on my PC until I get tired enough to sleep. I’ve described to my therapist before that being on the PC is basically my “default state of […]