Author: Matt Demers

  • Dealing with moments of panic in gaming: the first wall

    Dealing with moments of panic in gaming: the first wall

    I think the thing that frustrates me most about learning video games are the panic moments where you know what you should have done, but lack the mental clarity to put them into practice. In a high-pressure situation, I sometimes can’t connect the dots to what I’m seeing and what I need to do to successfully…

  • Dodging the matchup: playing against characters I hate

    Dodging the matchup: playing against characters I hate

    I’ve come to realize I have a little bit of a phobia when it comes to facing certain characters. This usually comes from when they’ve beat me pretty hard in the past, and that kind of carries over to future matches where I think the same thing is going to happen. There’s some commonalities between…

  • Ladder anxiety: wanting to play, but not

    Ladder anxiety: wanting to play, but not

    Like a lot of people starting out with competitive gaming, I’m having some problems with ladder anxiety. For the uninitiated, ladder anxiety happens when you avoid playing ranked (or even unranked) matchmaking due to different reasons. Some people might be hesitant to risk the rank they’ve already earned, or those that are starting out might…

  • Starting the journey: being new at Street Fighter and Dota 2

    Starting the journey: being new at Street Fighter and Dota 2

    The last couple days have been an exercise in patience. I’ve decided that I’m going to put more of my effort into improving in two competitive multiplayer games: I’m going to both try to get better at Dota 2 and Street Fighter V.

  • Hey.


    So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about what I want to do with things. I know that seems a bit vague, but I’ve been on a break since August and starting to get the itch to create again, and create regularly. I’ve been holding off on doing this mostly because I was…

  • 2016: The Reflection Post

    2016: The Reflection Post

    I like New Year’s resolutions post mostly because I’m big on reflecting. A friend noted that I’m big on anniversaries; my birthday (July 1) and New Year’s Day (January 1) fall exactly six months away from each other, so I find they’re good times to look back, plan and learn. This year was weird.

  • Diving into Doom: the apology of a fraud

    Diving into Doom: the apology of a fraud

    I feel like I need to write an apology to someone.

  • Doing what’s “objectively correct” for you

    Doing what’s “objectively correct” for you

    So today I had a pretty good day of therapy, and it contextualized a couple things for me. For the last little while I’ve been focusing on “doing nothing” to various success. The idea, though, was trusting a process that my brain was going to be able to fix some things emotionally in the meantime,…

  • On self-worth and identity while creating

    On self-worth and identity while creating

    Today I want to talk to you about identity — well, that’s a pretty broad topic, so maybe just your identity when when you create. For years, I basically thought that the only way to success was to both be fully invested in your craft, and also have the talent to make yourself stand out.…

  • The Ongoing History of RPGs #1: Dragon Quest

    The Ongoing History of RPGs #1: Dragon Quest

    This is the first episode of The Ongoing History of RPGs, and I figured I’d start it off with a series I really enjoy, but ironically haven’t played too much of. Dragon Quest, despite not being as big as Final Fantasy in the West, is one of the most important titles in the RPG genre; it gave players…