Tag: Esports
The KonMari method and absolving backlog guilt
Over the last week I’ve been reading Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing [affiliate link], and slowly digesting her “KonMari” method. It’s been pretty eye-opening in terms of changing some habits and jolting me into new ways of thinking. I’ve always considered myself a pretty messy […]
#WorldMentalHealthDay – My journey with medication
I’ve been on medication for anxiety and depression for two years. It’s a day too late to talk about it on World Mental Health Day, but I figured, hey, why not. In that two years, I’ve been fighting for balance — balance between my brain chemistry and what I’m introducing to it in order to […]
Building blisters: six weeks of personal training
After years of failing at fitness, I decided in August that I was going to get a personal trainer. I had a couple months to kill of just doing nothing while looking for an apartment and working, so I figured I’d jump on the investment and actually try to make the time worth it. Previously, […]
Freebie content plan: Turning your journey into a narrative
A couple years ago I had a project called BetterDota; basically, it was an idea I concocted to make my journey to get better at Dota 2 into a narrative more palatable to an audience. It was an answer to a pretty simple question: “as someone who isn’t good at Dota 2, how do I […]
Ebook #4: Event Content Planning in Esports
A couple years ago, I was frustrated at people making mistakes. I turned this frustration into three ebooks about Twitter. Now, four years later, I’ve written a fourth ebook, but not about social media — this one looks to help you get better at planning content. This book was written to help people who want […]
Q&A: “When should I start my Patreon?”
A couple weeks ago I had a friend approach me and ask me if I had any thoughts about him creating a Patreon. He told me I should consider making a blog out of my answer to him, so here goes. Patreon is a complex platform because on the surface it seems like a no-brainer. […]
Budgeting as a content creator, streamer, or contractor
I’m going to go a bit boring for this week’s blog and talk a little bit about budgeting, and why it’s important as a streamer, vlogger or content creator. As a precaution: this post doesn’t constitute legal financial advice, and I’m not responsible for anything you do as a person. Read, educate yourself on personal […]
Voiding warranties and modding a Wii U
This week, I decided to undertake a project and hack my Wii U. I didn’t really need to; there isn’t really any reason beyond a few tweaks and piracy. To the latter point, I’m at the stage of my life where I can afford paying for my games.
The Nintendo Switch and the fallacy of sunk costs
I was worried when I bought my Switch. I got burned by my purchase of the WiiU, which I had primary gotten to play Super Mario Maker and potentially stream it. I kind of fell into a trap I’ve become more cognisant of lately: the “gotta play with friends while the game is still hot” […]
Valve’s Artifact, and what it needs to get right
Yesterday when I was watching The International’s broadcast, something perked my ears up. Valve announced that they were revealing a new game, right then and there.