Tag: Hardware
2024: The Reflection Post
Gimmickless alt title: “I need to stop thinking so much, but only after one last think on that.”
HomeAssistant: Laundry Alarm Automation with Vibration Sensor
A tutorial about getting your laundry to ping your phone when it’s done. Fun for tinkering, or for the lazy.
Me at 35: Letting the love in
Living off borrowed time, the clock tick faster.That’d be the hour they knock the slick blaster. — MF Doom, “Accordion” – Madvillainy I turned 35 yesterday. I wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about it, but I’ve settled a bit. For most of my life, I’ve been working to correct the assumption that I have […]
Me at 34: Owning my dream
I turned 34 this weekend. The morning after, I woke up with a hangover and wondered where my dream went. This isn’t what it sounds like. It’s not the “blink, turn 40, and wonder what you did with your life” kind of thing. It’s more the idea of looking to reclaim ownership of that dream, […]
2022: The Reflection Post
I swear, all the friction in this post is in service of something optimistic.
Sun-specific light automations with HomeAssistant
Hey all; this one’s going to be a little bit of a departure from a lot of my content, but I couldn’t exactly find a resource for this problem online and I figured I should fix that. I use HomeAssistant as an open-source, self-hosted alternative to a number of “Internet of Things” or smart-home devices. […]
Blue Period is a manga about learning about art (and you)
A look into the “hard works makes good” manga genre, and how/when character development affects the journey.
Podcast tutorial: recording separate audio tracks with Voicemeeter
If you’re podcasting, you may want to record a call into two separate tracks (to help with volume mixing). This post teaches you how to do it with Voicemeeter.
Me at 33
The other day, I turned 33. I usually do a blog post around my birthday as a way of acknowledging where I am currently in my life, and while it’s a couple days late this year, I’m still going to do it.