Tag: Livestreaming
Doing what’s “objectively correct” for you
So today I had a pretty good day of therapy, and it contextualized a couple things for me. For the last little while I’ve been focusing on “doing nothing” to various success. The idea, though, was trusting a process that my brain was going to be able to fix some things emotionally in the meantime, […]
On self-worth and identity while creating
Today I want to talk to you about identity — well, that’s a pretty broad topic, so maybe just your identity when when you create. For years, I basically thought that the only way to success was to both be fully invested in your craft, and also have the talent to make yourself stand out. […]
The Ongoing History of RPGs #1: Dragon Quest
This is the first episode of The Ongoing History of RPGs, and I figured I’d start it off with a series I really enjoy, but ironically haven’t played too much of. Dragon Quest, despite not being as big as Final Fantasy in the West, is one of the most important titles in the RPG genre; it gave players […]
The Ongoing History of RPGs: a new series!
So the last little bit has been relatively quiet from me after I felt I needed to take a bit of a break. Coming back wasn’t exactly difficult: not picking up any new projects before I’d actually made some changes was.
Nightstalking: a look at Suramar as a functioning city
When I first picked up World of Warcraft in 2005, I had a grandiose idea of how it would be; the concept of an MMORPG was always appealing to me because of everyone playing in the same world, and I expected it to be vibrant, active, and thriving.
An RPG Project Draft
I’ve been craving getting into a new project lately since my break. Mostly, I’ve wanted to come up with something that I would ideally enjoy doing even if no one were to watch it — ideally, I would be okay just doing it for the sake of it. I thought about reviving BetterDota, but after […]
Artour, a stream, and a journey into madness
So, I want you to picture something for a second. Imagine you’ve been a fan of League of Legends for the past two years. You’re used to a specific stream experience: webcam, mic, music and whatever else. You start dabbling a little more in Dota 2 and you decide that maybe it’s time to see […]
The Warcraft cycle: playing an MMO as an adult
I have this problem, and it began with World of Warcraft. Burning out on it killed my ability to be immersed in a game full time, or at least long sessions. When the game came out, I was 14 — the prime age for a lack of responsibilities and a whole lot of time. I […]
Running in the 90’s: delving into Absolute Drift
Sometimes you can’t help but commit a cardinal sin in gaming: you let your first impression be your only one. I picked up Absolute Drift the other week after lusting after it for a little bit, and actually refunded it after finding it “too hard.” Much hullabaloo has been made lately in gaming circles about […]
Getting around to The Witcher 3
About a week and a half ago I finally splurged a little bit to buy a new GPU, a Nvidia GTX 1080; this is one of the most powerful cards on the market at the moment, and should last me a good couple years. I end up upgrading my PC in giant spurtsin about the same […]