Tag: Space Brothers
Stargazing, Part 3 – Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Hey hey, we’re back again with more Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and we’re continuing to spend a lot of time with Yang. If you were returning to the series hoping for more space battles, boy howdy are you going to be disappointed. Again, spoiler warning for those who haven’t watched yet. Certain characters and […]
Stargazing, Part 2 – Legend of the Galactic Heroes
I really liked how my last Legend of the Galactic Heroes blog came out, so I feel I should do more of them. I don’t have much experience with reviewing anime, but I hope my rambling has been entertaining so far. This post should be a bit shorter, mostly because there’s less preamble to explaining […]
Stargazing, Part 1 – Legend of the Galactic Heroes
After seeing endless screencaptures on Twitter, I decided to dive into Legend of the Galactic Heroes out of curiosity for something people seemed to universally praise. I usually gravitate to classics for a reason: they’re usually safe choices when it comes to spending my time. For those unfamiliar with the series, it’s a space opera […]
A look at Monster Hunter: World’s progression and gameplay loop
RPGs are my favorite genre, and I wanted to write about them from a more zoomed-out perspective than just dealing with their stories. Also, I wanted an excuse to post the “Rich Rump” picture. I’ve become more cognizant of what people call “gameplay loops” lately. They’re pretty simple: you figure out what the main cycle […]
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and waifus as marketing
One of the first posts that I published when I launched this blog was my impressions of Xenoblade Chronicles X, a WiiU title from Monolith Soft. Despite really liking it at the time, I grew more frustrated with it the more I tried to play: the game’s internal systems just didn’t work for me, and […]
2017: The Reflection Post
I think every writer has a voice in their head that tells them to write a New Year’s resolution/reflection blog. It allows them to be a bit reflective and nudge a little narcissism at the same time. So, if you’ll indulge me a tiny bit… If we cling onto yesterday, what can we hope to […]
There is never a good time to start
At the beginning of November, I moved to a new apartment. Unfortunately, a lot has gone wrong with that. Deliveries and installations being late sucked, but all of that stuff kind of passes with time. Since my second week (so I guess six out of the eight weeks I’ve lived here so far) I’ve been […]
Finding inspiration in games: Adieu, Persona 5
Warning: there’s some heavy spoilers of the mid-to-end game of Persona 5 here. If you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read. I finished Persona 5 a couple days ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The games in the Persona series have a reputation of leaving something mental with you when you’re done, and I think […]
Moving Day
Today is moving day. I’m taking a little bit of a break from frantically packing in order to write this blog. I was primarily going to reflect on where I was when I moved back to my parents’ house vs where I am now, and it kind of ties in with something else that happened […]
Support networks: some thoughts on finding and maintaining them
I was struggling to find a blog topic for today but thanks to a friend (shoutouts to Ria!) I settled on talking about support networks. Ironically, Ria is a large part of my support network; she’s someone I can trust to both listen and give advice. When dealing with new challenges it’s pretty simple to […]